About center



One of the most recommended dental centers. We offer complex dental services for adults and children - already for more than 9 years.

Patients smile confidently
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The numbers speak for themselves. The dental center Dentus•Dentino for adults and children is always open for you. We are the dental center for the whole family.
Years of experience
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Professional doctors with national and international qualification, with passion and dedication, guarantee a flawless smile.

The Dentus•Dentino team

We are passionate about what we do, professional in our work and caring towards you. We have a common goal, namely – to bring smiles to the faces of each of you. One thing is certain – everything starts with a smile.
Day by day, for over 9 years, we have been giving flawless and healthy smiles.
Let’s get to know each other!
Dr. Dobre Andra Maria
Medic stomatolog. A absolvit Facultatea de Medicină Dentară din Craiova, urmează specializare de Chirurgie Stomatologică și Maxilo-Facială. A participat la conferințe și cursuri de perfecționare.
Dr. Kupty Loai
Medic ortodont. A absolvit Facultatea de Medicină Dentară din cadrul UMF ”Carol Davila” din București. Rezidențiat în Ortodonţie şi ortopedie dento-facială la UMFST, Târgu-Mureș. A participat la cursuri și congrese naționale. E specializat în montarea aparatelor dentare fixe și mobile pentru tratarea tuturor problemelor ortodontice.

6 reasons to choose Dentus•Dentino


Quality and experience

Specialists with over 15 years of activity in dentistry, with national and international qualification - ensure you a beautiful and healthy smile


Complex dental services

We offer you, dear Patient, a wide range of services: orthodontics (treatment with braces and without braces), implantology/surgery, dental crowns, dental aesthetics and prosthetics, caries treatment and endodontics, dental veneers, teeth whitening, professional hygiene


Positive reviews

20 000+ patients have chosen Dentus•Dentino. Be a part of our family, too!


Innovative dental equipment

Dental Center Dentus Dentino is the promoter of the most modern dental appliances in Moldova


Own dental laboratory

The place where patients' smiles are designed


Payment in installments

Now any dental appliance becomes affordable for you

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